At the airport I’m waiting for a plane to Paris where I will begin rehearsing Barker’s Gertrude at the Odeon.
I’m sitting on the usual uncomfortable chair of iron and I’m remarking on the telephone the latest sad national news with a friend.
An old grim, well-dressed cries out next to me: «If you do not like how things are going, go away!, we do not need you here in Italy, go away!»
I am surprised, so I object calmly that I was doing a private talk and what I was saying did not concern him. He shouts to be as member of Italian Parliament and that if I had not planted he would call the police …
He’s a fake?
He’s a exaggerating?
He’s an old fool?
Did I imagine it?
Is it a nightmare?
I do not know …
Sure is that never as before the arrival in Paris that time had the flavor of an exile.
Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
more [+]I’m stranger in my own country. When I first read the sentence, I of course misread it…
I read: “I’m a stranger in my own country”, and in misreading it my hair stood on end.
I’m a Stranger in My Own Country
Hotel Methuselah is a story about a crisis of belonging. It is performance that centres on a man who has lost his memory – he literally does not belong anymore.
I came to theatre as an outsider. I studied graphic arts. I never had a proper theatre or drama education. When I and other friends started to make performances in the beginning of the eighties, we did it with our own money and without any links to the existing theatre field.
more [+]Straniero. Come si potrebbe non essere stranieri nella patria dell’esclusione, della conservazione selvaggia? completamente svuotati da qualsivoglia domanda su altre possibili forme della propria esistenza e convivenza, la maggioranza degli italiani cerca affannosamente di accaparrarsi le ultime briciole al banchetto preparato per loro.
more [+]Essere stranieri in patria può significare sentirsi d’improvviso sprovvisti di una lingua data che ci accomuni alle persone di fronte a noi, essere consegnati all’incomprensione. Eppure, if poetry is what is lost in translation,
more [+]A few comments.
First we must destroy a myth. Being a stranger in one’s own country is a positive condition.
These are not comments on a worthy individual who, when there is no one to stop him from waiting patiently, follows migratory flows because patience is not really the most attractive virtue, nor are they a reference to Mameli…
I need a room for part of the night, because i cannot find my own. (Bernard-Marie Koltès)
A stranger in one’s own country: I try to reconcile these two clearly irreconcilable concepts, but do not succeed.
The characters in my plays have always been “unappeased”; all of them, from the horse trainer Michele Kohlhaas to the latest bandit Carmine Crocco, from Ibsen’s Peer Gynt to von Chamisso’s Peter Schlemil, belong to this existential category.
more [+]A stranger in one’s own country: that is probably the condition that the Teatro di Figura is in. Marionettes, shadows and objects are an “elsewhere” that reveals to us in a mirror that is truthful at times and deformed at others, an “other” world which captures and draws attention to the dark side, the passions, the contradictions, the anxieties and the happiness of man, knowing how to laugh and cry about them at the same time.”
Alberto Jona
The question is: “What is the concept of nation in the President?” These women have little sense of patriotism, but even in a stereotyped way, hold it and this is the first element, because when I am not free from ‘national belonging, nor the practice are consciously disoriented. (only italian version)
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