(le presidentesse)
by Werner Schwab adattamento /arrangements, scene and direction Krystian Lupa / with Bozena Baranowska, Halina Rasiakówna, Ewa Skibinska, Aldona Struzik-Dominika Figurska-Monika Szalaty-Anna Ilczuk
Teatr Polski, Wroclaw
Krystian Lupa is poland’s most important director and one of the most charismatic talents at an inter-national level, winner of the 13th Europe Theatre Prize (2009). The presidents was written by Werner Schwab, an austrian playwright and poète maudit who died at the age of 35 in 1994, celebrated for in-tensely scatological works rich with surreal images of violence and degradation. the play is the story of three women whose life is confined by the television, religious bigotry, humiliating work and memories of the past. the three live in a dreamlike and vacant world, and the definitive loss of control over their illusions leads them to become criminals.
Show with Italian surtitles