Carignano | 30 ottobre 2011 – ore 21.00
by Marco Baliani, Felice Cappa and Maria Maglietta / dramaturgy Maria Maglietta / withn Marco Baliani / with participation in video of Salvo Arena, Naike Anna Silipo, Aldo Ottobrino, Michele Sinisi / direction Felice Cappa / music Mirto Baliani /
a project by Change Performing Arts prodotto da CRTArtificio (Italy)
In the story of bandit Carmine Crocco, Marco Baliani, leader of the first generation of great theatrical storytellers, writer and television scriptwriter Felice Cappa and actress and director Maria Maglietta see the emblematic story of a civil defeat and an absence of political foresight that still weighs heavily on the history of Italy.