I Am That Am I

A new production for Kinkaleri that has chosen Genet’s Les Bonnes as the focus of its investigations, creating I am that am I. Keeping alive a relationship that evolves through the text, Kinkaleri does not use the written word on the stage, but exploits it as the motor for the action: “All the texts adopted from time to time,” writes the company, “were used to draw acrobatic trajectories of thoughts, which could lead to an action, or to a series of actions whose only goal is an intense production […]. Here again Kinkaleri sticks to this peculiar feature.” A script that is not said but hidden in the body, maturing after two preliminary studies into the performance with the title Io mento e Tu dici? The result of all this is “a work that does without the author’s classic imagination to propose a two-tier performance. A performance with the word and the body, inexorably disassociated but ready to interact and to hesitate.”

designed and produced by Kinkaleri / with Anna De Mario
theoretical contribution Lucia Amara
Kinkaleri / in collaboration with far° Festival des arts vivants Nyon
with the support of Xing

Cavallerizza Reale, Manica Corta | Length 1h
November 2, 2010 | 8 pm

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