Io Regno – The Show

Officina per la scena, an ensemble from Turin that has been performing all over the region for the last ten years, makes its debut at Prospettiva with a production that is the re-interpretation of Albert Camus’ work, The State of Siege. The French author’s words were prophetic: slavery that you embrace in a smile, entertainment, enticement, vulgarity, gloss, success, sex and the promise of all that. The modern plague, the process of homologation, travels fast, and spreads like the Mediaeval contagion, levelling daily life, imposing needs, requirements and expectations on each individual , drowning out critical lucidity. And like a village fair, everyone is invited to win the coveted prize: the freedom to be standardised. Io Regno – The Show tackles these issues and leads the spectator into an ambiguous dimension between reality and fiction, where music and dance accompany the actors’ work, recreating the spectacle of a variety show.

dramatised and directed by Michele Guaraldo
with Maria Augusta Balla, Luca Busnengo, Michele Guaraldo, Valentina Volpatto
music Enrico De Palmas/choreography Paola Raho, Cecilia Bozzolini/lighting Marco Ferrero
Officina per la scena
with a contribution from Regione Piemonte/with the support of Sistema Teatro Torino

Carignano – stage |
World première| Length 1h 15’
November 6, 2010 | 8 pm

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