The new work by Roberto Latini, built around the well-known character in Collodi’s Pinocchio, is defined as “a small musical opera” for a solo actor: Lucignolo (Candlewick). The first movement of a “programme” entitled Noosfera, Lucignolo “is deconstructed around our ideas on the ‘performability’ of texts and on the process necessary to perform them”. The Libero Fortebraccio Teatro companies imagines Noosfera as a bridge between its two main projects: Radiovisioni and Safari. “From our research on the possibility of amplification and the concept of stage concert in works like Iago, Desdemona e Otello, Ubu incatenato, Per Ecuba and Buio Re, and from the parallelism of another approach like the dramas of NNORD and Bìkini Bum Bum, Noosfera -Lucignolo imagines a grammar directly from the emotional sensation of being on stage: an actor who is defenceless in front of his stage emotions, a fundamental concept of the lessons of Perla Peragallo.”

by and with Roberto Latini
music Gianluca Misiti
light design Max Mugnai
organization Federica Furlanis
Libero Fortebraccio Teatro

Teatro Gobetti | World première | Length 1h 10’
October 29, 2010 | 8 pm

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