A Life in Three Acts

A Life in Three acts, which won the Fringe Prize at the Edinburgh Festival and the Herald Archangel Prize, is the story of Bette Bourne, a famous performer and key figure of the post-war gay liberation movement. This lively, exciting work is an adaptation of some private conversations between Bourne and playwright Mark Ravenhill. Bourne presents it as a monologue, and it follows her childhood in post-war Britain, her life in the “Drag commune” of Notting Hill in the Seventies, her seminal roles in the birth of the Gay Liberation Front in Great Britain, the BLOOLIPS gay theatre company that is famous the world over, and much more.

scritto da Bette Bourne e Mark Ravenhill

written by Bette Bourne and Mark Ravenhill
with Bette Bourne
directed by Mark Ravenhill
London Artists Projects Production (United Kingdom)

Cavallerizza Reale, Manica Corta | Italian première |
Length 1h 40’
October 19, 2010 | 7.30 pm
October 20, 2010 | 9.30 pm

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