È bello vivere liberi!


The play is inspired by the biography of Ondina Peteani, written by historian Anna Di Giannantonio. Aged just 17, Ondina is filled with an irresistible urge for freedom, and she discovers that she is unable to stand and watch, conscious and determined to act to change her native land.


created, dramatised, directed and interpreted by Marta Cuscunà

props built by Belinda De Vito

lighting and audio by Marco Rogante/lighting design by Claudio Parrino

Marta Cuscunà (Italy)/an Operaestate Festival Veneto co-production

Managed and promoted by Centrale Fies/Premio Scenario per Ustica 2009

Cavallerizza Reale, Manica Corta | Length 60’

October 15, 2010 | 8 pm

out of subscrption


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Teatro Vittoria | Replica

16 ottobre 2010 | ore 22.00


Duplica – secondo movimento

Teatro Vittoria | Prima assoluta | Durata 50’ circa

16 ottobre 2010 |ore 22.30


Vite senza fine – Storie operaie del Novecento

Teatro Vittoria | Durata 1h 5’

17 ottobre 2010 | ore 20.00